Historischer Wanderweg Sand

von Manfred Dasbach und Udo Harler

Kapitel 9
Der Oberlerbacher Hof

Seiten 30 - 31

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flagge eng 9: The Oberlerbach Estate
The Overlerbach Estate is mentioned in lease contracts dating from the early 17th century in which it was called “Oberlierbach”. It is probable that it always belonged to the feudal property of Lerbach Manor and had to pay duty. In 1717 Michael Josef von Leers, the son of Theodor von Leers (the donor of the Rochus Chapel) took over the knight’s manor. But he didn't have the economic skill of his father and grandfather and soon piled up considerable debts. His wife was already dead when he died in 1749; he left behind seven unprovided-for children. This caused the receiver to sell Oberlerbach Estate as well as the farmstead Schmalzgrube in order to save the knight’s seat and provide for the children. The leaseholder of the Unterlerbach Estate, Johann Wilhelm Hamacher and his wife Anna Margareta Herweg, made an offer and for the price of 4010 Reichstaler they bought the Oberlerbach Estate with all its fixtures, the farmstead Schmalzgrube as well as the small houses and the outbuildings. But they weren't granted the right to hunt or to fish in the small stream (Lerbach) and they were obliged to grant free passage to Cologne through the village and its woods.

Seite 1

flagge eng In 1874 the farm became the property of the present-day owner, the Duke Erwin von Wolff Metternich. When in later years Richard Zanders and his wife Anna von Siemens bought Lerbach Manor they also acquired these premises. As the couple died childless, the inheritance went to the van Siemens family. Today the Estate is the only full-time farmstead that is left in Sand.

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